
ISO 13485 and CE marking

B.C.S Dental Alloys has been ISO 13485 certified for more than 20 years and has also been qualified for EC marking for the same period. This is a prerequisite for the marketing of medical devices such as dental alloys in accordance with Directive 93/42/EEC.

This enables the company to achieve its main objective: offering its customers products that meet their technical needs and time requirements, while complying with current regulations and guaranteeing competitive prices.

In order to succeed in combining these different missions, the company is constantly seeking to improve its organisation along the following lines:

  • Encouraging customer service within our staff and increasing their competence.
  • Meeting the quality and deadline requirements of our customers.
  • Continous improvement in the following areas : process efficiency, consulting capacity, quality, competitiveness and product availability, etc…
  • Collaborating with our suppliers and customers to create synergies allowing us to share our knowledge and resources in order to meet increasingly demanding regulatory and technical requirements.

The integration of the company into the ACNIS group will also allow to allocate more resources to growth and to the improvement of organisation.

If you have any questions, suggestions or require any information not listed on this page, please contact us at the following address:



Dispositif médical pour soins dentaires réservé aux professionnels de santé, non remboursé par la sécurité sociale. Lire attentivement les instructions figurant dans la notice ou sur l’étiquetage avant toute utilisation. Classe IIa (marquage CE1370 délivré par le Bureau Veritas Italie S.p.A). La mention de l’organisme notifié Bureau Veritas Italie n’est pas applicable aux produits dont Bernard Cervos Société (BCS) n’est pas le fabricant, à savoir : les disques Zircone et le fil laser.

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