
BCS Dental Alloys specially brands its products for its affiliate customers! Our experts will assist you in labelling your products and setting the parameters of our powders on your machines. Our mission : provide our customers with products that meet their needs, at the most competitive price and within the requested timeframe !

In addition to the manufacture of dental alloys, BCS Dental Alloys offers a white label affiliation programme allowing you to receive your alloys under your own brand name and to market them under your own name.

Under certain conditions (deadline, products, application file, etc.) we provide this type of service with a view to long-term partnerships.

How does our white label programme work?

  • Our white label programme offers a selection of high quality titanium and cobalt chrome products, allowing you to save time and control the process, providing full access to our range of services.
  • We will ensure that your brand identity is integrated into all aspects of your business, including label and packaging design, to create a recognisable brand that will relate to your customers.


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Dispositif médical pour soins dentaires réservé aux professionnels de santé, non remboursé par la sécurité sociale. Lire attentivement les instructions figurant dans la notice ou sur l’étiquetage avant toute utilisation. Classe IIa (marquage CE1370 délivré par le Bureau Veritas Italie S.p.A). La mention de l’organisme notifié Bureau Veritas Italie n’est pas applicable aux produits dont Bernard Cervos Société (BCS) n’est pas le fabricant, à savoir : les disques Zircone et le fil laser.

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