Zirconia supplier for dentistry

Why zirconia dental products are a wise investment

Zirconia in Dentistry: A Now Widespread Use

For a long time, PFM (porcelain fused to metal) restorations were the standard in dentistry, as they provided reliable results. However, they often displayed a grayish appearance at the cervical margin, especially in cases of gingival recession, compromising the long-term aesthetics. With the growing demand for more aesthetic restorations, PFMs have been replaced by all-ceramic restorations, among which zirconia has become the most popular choice.

Modern zirconia stands out from earlier versions, which were difficult to mask due to their white substructure. Today, pre-shaded zirconia is available in materials tailored to different intraoral applications, significantly enhancing its clinical utility.

Zirconia Selection Criteria in dentistry

When choosing a material for restoration, several criteria influence the practitioner’s decision, notably aesthetics and mechanical strength. While alternatives such as alumina and lithium disilicate are often used, zirconia offers superior advantages in terms of strength and clinical versatility. Used since the 1970s as a biomaterial in hip prostheses, zirconia has proven its strength in applications subjected to high mechanical stresses.

Technical Features and Benefits of Zirconia

Zirconia restorations stand out for their exceptional strength, toughness, and biocompatibility. They are well-tolerated by patients with metal allergies, and their biomechanical behavior, similar to titanium, promotes osseointegration by not inhibiting osteoblasts, the cells responsible for bone formation. Dental zirconia is often stabilized by the addition of yttrium oxide, which enhances its crack resistance through a stress-induced crystalline transformation process.

When subjected to stress, zirconia instantaneously transforms from a tetragonal to a monoclinic crystal structure, with a 4% volume increase, which seals microcracks and prevents their propagation. This property is particularly beneficial for restorations subjected to high masticatory forces. Additionally, more translucent forms of zirconia, which contain a higher percentage of yttrium, allow for improved aesthetics while maintaining a strength that is significantly superior to other restorative materials such as lithium disilicate.

Multiple clinical applications

Zirconia is suitable for a wide range of restorations, including single anterior or posterior crowns, bridges, or full-mouth rehabilitations. The latest innovations in zirconia allow for impressive aesthetic results, even in patients with bruxism. Additionally, zirconia copings can be manufactured as thin as 0.3 mm, giving them a natural and dentin-like appearance.

Monolithic zirconia is particularly suitable for posterior restorations where higher chewing forces are present and is also gentler on the opposing dentition than initially expected. High-translucency zirconia (HT), while slightly less resistant than traditional zirconia, remains three times stronger than lithium disilicate and presents a more aesthetic alternative to PFM restorations.

Precision zirconia prothesis manufacturing with CAD/CAM

Zirconia restorations are fabricated using computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM), ensuring precise fit and reducing chairside time. This precision helps minimize in-mouth adjustments, thus improving the efficiency of dental practices and enhancing patient satisfaction.

Zirconia: a strategic choice

Zirconia restorations have become essential for dentists seeking a material that combines strength, aesthetics, and biocompatibility. Thanks to recent advancements in pre-shaded and multilayered zirconia, it is now possible to create restorations that offer high mechanical strength, natural aesthetics, and durability. These qualities make zirconia a top-tier investment in modern dentistry, ensuring reliable and aesthetically pleasing results, while adapting to a wide variety of clinical situations.

Discover our zirconia discs for prothesis manufacturing and the benefits of a zirconia dental crown for your patients.

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